Project Face-Off

Calling ALL faces and voices of Recovery to help us to advocate for #FundRecovery
*Kicking off our our Call To Action where we advocate for critical funding of Recovery Community support.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 we were able to speak with NYS Senators about the benefits of Recovery Support Services and RCO's. Personal stories were shared by a few and many professionals were able to advocate for specific Bills and Acts to be considered, in favor of continuing and additional funding.
We spoke about the need for increased family support services supporting The Family Support Services for Addiction Act, in addition to the increase in cases due to Covid-19, supporting the Coronavirus Mental Health and Addiction Assistance Act. Plus, the additional need to increase availability of medication assisted treatment and education for providers to integrate these treatments into their practices, supporting the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act.
Here is one of our #FundRecovery videos! Do you have a personal story that you can share and help us to advocate for our FACE-OFF Challenge?? Please share it with us!